Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Conspiracy theories

14 Feb 2007 - 2,259,500 flow-through shares @ $2.70 and 2,399,740 units consisting of one common share and one-half warrant for $2.50 per unit. for $12,100,000

17 May 2007 brokered PP of 4,000,000 units consisting of one common share and one-half warrant for $4.65 per unit for $18,600,000 units

27 Sep 2007 brokered and non-brokered PP of 3,999,500 flow-through shares at $2.85 per share for $11,398,575

15 Nov 2007 brokered pp of 7,000,000 units consisting of one common share and one-half arrant for $2.40 per unit for $16,800,000.

In addition funds $3,331,555 was raised from the exercise of warrants and $308,550 from the exercise of options,

These funds were used to support the following capital intensive projects

Redstone Mill; mill building and equipment, tailings facility, treatment pond, settling pond, pump station, flow station, mine water treatment facility, crusher house, electrical facilities for the crusher and mill etc

Redstone shaft; shaft crown, hoist house, collar house, waste and ore bins, head frame, hoists, electrical facilities.

Redstone Mine ramp and drift development to the 427 m level

New access road at the Redstone Mine site

McWatters Mine; new 7km road withpower line, machine shop, compressor building, portal, mine water treatment facility, settling pond, treatment pond, electrical facilities etc

Exploration of the Shaw Dome Nicke Belt with 3-5 drills turning most of the calendar year mainly for resource drilling

Down payment to leased portion of large equipment purchases such as loaders, scoop trams, mine trucks, and an excavator.

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