Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Insider Trading and SEDI

Jun 19, 2008 04:08PM

Jun 19, 2008 05:09PM

Jun 19, 2008 06:52PM

Jun 19, 2008 07:18PM
Jun 20, 2008 03:30AM

Jun 20, 2008 03:40AM

Jun 20, 2008 06:34AM

Jun 20, 2008 06:47AM

Jun 20, 2008 07:54AM

I went to level 2 of the stock quotes and I have noticed our big trades our often in the same house now (far right column). IMHO we seem to be stabilizing.


I was wandering through the (put www. in front of sedi)sight which tracks insider trading.

choose english (or french)

Click on Access public filings in the far right hand corner.

Choose insider information

Option 4 company number is 00009151

Option 5 liberty mines

View Summary Report

Insider report by issuer - next

date range (for example january 1 2006 ( top row)

to current date (already entered) click search

New Screen

click on view (left column on liberty mines row)

shows totals of shares/warrants/options for each insider

Insider Transaction Detail (the best report of all IMHO)

choose issuer name tab

liberty mines (starts with) row

Date of transaction (drop down menu) then Jan 1 2006 to June 19 2008 (no future date allowed)

click button equity select all

click button issuer derivatives select all

go to bottom of screen and click search

new screen click view and enter

It takes time to have it do its thing but it really is quite interesting

Have fun!!!

You can tell our guys are hanging tough!

Jun 20, 2008 10:44AM

Jun 20, 2008 12:16PM

Jun 20, 2008 03:20PM

Jun 20, 2008 04:01PM

Jun 20, 2008 07:21PM

Jun 21, 2008 05:14AM

Jun 21, 2008 06:09AM

Jun 21, 2008 05:01PM

Jun 22, 2008 07:18PM
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