Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Any info from the AGM?


You always do your own DD. Management is human ergo they can be fallible. Your question was with respect to the financing.

First - we needed the money

Second - there comes a point where I step back and say that I have to respect that we have a president, accountant, board of directors who deal with the business on a day to day basis and are working very hard to make McWatters happen. They know a whole lot more then I do and we pay them a salary to do a job. I believe sometimes that I leave people to do their job.

Third - I examine why the money is needed. I look out around me and I follow maybe 20 juniors and I see what is happening. I phone the company and ask question. Am I happy with the answers - yes. If I was not happy with the answers and I did not think that we could succeed - I would be selling my shares.

Fourth - I read some of the comments on these boards - look at who is writing the comments and listen to the devil's advocate.

n the case of the financings though - the paperwork has been signed. Decisions have been made. I believe in looking forward. My choice and my decision. Rastaman - that is my view point and you will have your own. That is what these boards are for.

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