Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: John, here's a weekend read for you.

John, here's a weekend read for you.

posted on Jul 12, 2008 02:10PM

It's almost 2 yrs old but still a good read. I found it interesting and insightful. The talk about energy is telling. 20-25% of the cost is directly from energy.

"Equally importantly, nickel laterite projects tend to be more capital intensive per unit of production capacity than do sulphide projects. This not only increases the all-up cost entry into nickel production but higher capital intensity implies a higher ratio of fixed to variable costs in production and correspondingly greater commercial risk.

Also having a bearing on project cost and project financing is the geologically-determined fact that most laterite deposits are in tropical, developing, countries with significant infrastructure requirements and a more challenging project risk profile. Aggravating this problem in recent years has been growing evidence of a resurgence of resource nationalism."

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