Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: We can succeed and we are not alone

A company does not choose the times that begins to build a mine. They just happen and yes mines are closing around us.

My average price is $1.67 a share. So I do know how it has affected our portfolio. I also got hit by news that an oil and gas company did not succeed in the well they just dug. The share price went down $0.19. Our share price has been bleeding for a very long time and we got news of yet another delay. The real question we need answered is how is Liberty going to be able to handle the financial implications of this delay? I think at this moment there are more questions then answers. I understood that we are still getting money from the Chineese until Sep and we have a year to pay them back in concentrate for the money they have advanced us.

At this point in time, to my mind, the current price of nickel is not as important as what will be the price of nickel when we are producing more?

I know that I do not have all the answers. No one does. I just was selected as the hub leader of this forum. Liberty had the smooth answers. I am just a shareholder just as you guys are. I know this company but yet I don't. I do not see the accounting books. I realize how hard Gary and the workers have worked at getting this mine this far. We are now at the crossroads. We can crunch numbers and we know the assets are here - McAra - 100,000 tons 2% Cobalt. Ray township property - more cobalt - Hart - nearly 4 year mine life and open at depth - McWatters - open at depth - Groves - Iridium-Sothman - just finished drilling.

Just give it a little longer.

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