Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Freedom30


posted on Jul 26, 2008 03:41AM

Fear of the unknown is worse then the reality.

Delays have hurt us. We do not know what nickel prices will be in a months time when we hit preproduction. This is always the hardest time for any mine - we are so close yet so far.

I do know is that we have to reach the hurdle before we can get over it. Negativity is only going to defeat us before we have even started. I am here for the long term investment. And just like with a child growing up there can be falls along the way. It is whether we pick ourselves up that matters.


Piece of trivia

One of our byproducts out of Redstone is Cobalt. Below ground is always more expensive then openpitt but we are not the most expensive producer either. I would also tend to think that openpitt tends to support larger lower grade resources. Most drillcore results I have observed support higher grade at depth. That is what McWatters has and that is the goal. We also know that McWatters is open at depth. Drilling when we are down deeper may or may not extend this mines life. We know from the Hart Model - it also is open at depth. Resource estimate has been done to 500 metres (or thereabouts) and we know that the dyke offset the flow. Did it stop there? Lets get our mine built. I believe in the potential of Shaw Dome.

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