Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Trying to figure things out

We invested in Lbe in some cases because of FNX. With Buxom's quote I went back to 2004 when they were just 500 tpd. Pretty close to what we will see in Sep with Redstone and McWatters in preproduction. Our goal is 1200 tpd with full production and another 300 tpd from Redstone.

FNX showed that a company can make it from Ni prices at just $6.65/lb. Our forecasts were based on $12.50 and the company has seen much lower prices. But we are not even at preproduction. Kitco is forecasting higher prices.

Buxom wanted us to think outside the box and think of how FNX grew from an $0.80 stock. It was not always easy I suspect. Well this year has shown us some struggles but we will make it. I posted the Insider purchases today.

When SP are manipulated they are put down at the end of the day. It is a time of accumulation for some and giving up for others. When things look hardest I look around us. I look at ISM with their Ni43-101 due to be released. Who knows what size the resource will be. Langmuir #1 had 220,000 tonnes of 1.5% Ni and Langmuir #2 had 320,000 tonnes of 1.3% Ni. No doubt there will be growth in their resource base likely to the indicated category with a scoping and feasibility study thrown in. Golden Challice has been busy with their discovery as well. We have had our Feasibility Study for McWatters and the Ni43-101 for Hart completed. By next week it should be filed on SEDAR. The Sothman property has been drilled and the Ray Township property is having exploratory work done on it. Dr Nash said it was the year of geology and this is certainly proving true. FNX was building on their property from an area that has been explored from the 1880's. We on the other hand are working on a very junior zone. This summer is actually a very exciting time for the Dome.

This summer has been a time of turbulance. Even the analysts newsletters are commenting on how hard the jr sector is being hit. FNX has even seen a goodly drop in value. We have been particularly hit as we wait for preproduction. We are so close now and the question comes out about how much lower will we go. If you talk to other metal jr producers you will see much the same story playing out. This is when you have to put your trust in those that we have hired to run the company. Dr Nash shows his belief by buying more shares. There are no sales by insiders. They are fighting to make Liberty a success.

We do have a phenomenal land package. Pieces are being fit together. Diversification will come from Groves, McAra and Ray Township. Continuity for the mill will come from Hart and then quite possibly McAra. Our Feasibility studies have been completed for McWatters and Hart. Drilling stations will be built so resources can be explored to enlarge both McWatters and Hart. If you look at FNX you will find this is exactly what they did with their resource too once they got mining. It costs so much less to drill once you go underground. That is still why we hold onto our shares. I still believe I am an investor in this company and as Liberty once said I am invested in the long term potential of this company.

Nickel77 posts of a company delaying their expansion plans. Agoracom posted on GCR about a Russian company closing down some of their production. So Mikeyman, we don't know what price we will see but look for your answers. Look outside the box and figure out why you invested. Look beyond the hype and look at how the bones have been developed. Buxom, FNX gave us a goal which many Ni companies aspire to but the Shaw Dome will yield up some of their secrets. Chapter 6 of Ontario Rocks talks of The Superior Province. Three billion years ago Ontario's Superior Province was a hot spot of geological activity. Tectonic plates jostled, volcanoes erupted, mountains and islands were formed, and sediments brought up the edges of this province.(p29) Pages 29 - 35 are really quite interesting.

Waiting is the hardest but each of us have found our own activities. I try not to dwell on the SP and instead do my own reading. Others have actually gone mining with their families this summer. Others have moved or done other things. These are not easy times to be investing in a company. Liberty has tremendous potential but for a little while we still have to wait.

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