Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Wolfie
Sep 15, 2008 12:35PM
Sep 15, 2008 12:45PM
Sep 15, 2008 01:16PM

Sep 15, 2008 05:45PM

Sep 15, 2008 06:04PM
Sep 15, 2008 06:30PM

Sep 15, 2008 08:39PM

Sep 16, 2008 12:09AM


in response to by
posted on Sep 16, 2008 03:11AM

The financial issue is very much on everybodies' mind. We cannot help but turn on the TV and find out that it is on EVERYBODIES' mind. Who would have thought Lehman Brothers', Bear Stearns' , Fannie Mae - all those places - all representing mortgages have hit hard times.

Now the bottom of the issue is our resource size. Our resource has been big enough to build and pay for a mill that can now handle 1500 tpd. It has been enough to bring on Redstone which has provided us a high grade ore to keep our doors open and train our people and get McWatters going. It also will improve our McWatters financials because it will be put through with our McWatters Ore to give us more breathing space and cut our costs of milling.

As far as ISM having more resources. Well you are an ISM shareholder and I respect that will always tint your perspective in favour of where your money sits. It should. ISM' goal was always set as an explorer - prove up its resources and sell it. Our goal was always to produce. When we got into production at Redstone - no one would mill our ore - so we had to build a mill. We did. Redstone was not enough to make us money. So we proved up our known high grade resource. Gary also worked through the mire of government red tape. He came to an agreement with the First Nations (which he paid in the last financials and they will not be an expense this quarter), and with the agreement we were able to get our lease. But we got it in the winter time and that caused delays. Heck, last winter the roads were so icey sometimes that nothing could go up them. The generator broke down when the hydro (electrical ) line was being laid. It was really in the spring that they got going and we had the water problems to solve (which slowed us down for 6 weeks). But we struggled through everything. (By the way, I believe that Cameco is still struggling with their water problems - so this can be a very real issue for companies). Now finally we have hit our first goal - preproduction.

Now I have read the Stockhouse pages and I have read your posts. ISM is no saint for visiting Lbe and bashing our site. Our financials are the result of a dropping Ni price and delays in getting this mine going. What does ISM gain by posting to our board - not congratulatory remarks but remarks meant to undermine our faith in our company? Over a year ago - ISM management walked out of talks with our company over the possible acquisition of 2 claims of our that would have made it much easier to build or design their open pitt resource. Postings on the web this week over at SH mentioned that it was far better to wait for the liquidation of our assets at firesale prices. What better way to build up fear as our shareholders waited for yesterday's news about preproduction. (I consider all of the information public knowledge since I read about it last year). So ISM does have a vested interest in driving away shareholder confidence and our SP.

Now, our largest shareholder is our President and if you follow the insider postings you realize he has not dumped any shares at any price since we were at around the $4.00 range. He has only bought. At these prices now - you are buying the same share that someone else maybe paid $3.00 for. Not a bad price in my mind because at $0.80 you have more then trippled your money. We cannot think that tomorrow our share will be trading at $3.00 (it would be nice but not realistic). The question of raising money will no doubt be raised this weekend and then everybody will know the answer. I do not think it will be an equity issue. Salman brothers asked this, and on the day Gary said no, they were the last sale putting down our price. The largest shareholder, protecting his (and our) investment said no. It does not mean that there may not be future PPs but not today. We are building a company. Key new employees have been hired in management. They left the security of their old job because they like our company and believe there is a good future here.

So wolfie, the financials are important, but they are not as bad as you make out. And me, like an old record, I am sticking here. I may, even buy more shares - not alot but maybe a few. And wolfie - I won't tell if you buy a few too. What a nice split for a thousand shares. (I am allowed to say that because I am on Lbe and I am a shareholder). As far as resources go. We have geologists coming asking for jobs all the time. You may not like our resources but they do. Good luck with your investment in ISM.

Sep 16, 2008 05:19AM

Sep 16, 2008 06:37AM
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