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Message: Guys

Re: Guys

in response to by
posted on Sep 27, 2008 04:07AM

This is just what the web site was like before the Edmonton meeting.

People are questioning Bluenosers' posts. He was doing his job. Just like Whaler. Cooler heads have to step into situations and look at whole situations.

I was not acting rationally this week. If you immediately think someone is someone else on this site you need to look at yourself.

I was away at a funeral yesterday for a girl who was just 17 years old. I can see a change in my posts even in the time from when I got that news.

Now - having one's names included with a group of bashers (where it is known some have been sued - makes those posters very careful). Posts become particularly meticulous. Very defensive.

In an office - office stresses get to certain people. Well in the stock market this year we have seen obscene stresses. Is my money safe? Will the financing go through? What more can happen to us? For many of us - the sanest decision may be to look at this stock - make the sign of the cross -- and look at it in 4 months time. It is downright scarey out there and whats going on in the economy is not over yet.

Institutions are going through exactly what we are too. They have people calling in their funds. They are shifting investments. Gary once said we ride on the backs of the institutions. They have the large blocks of shares and they move prices. A couple of institutions are selling right now. When will it stop? When they are through their shares likely. When the financing is done? Possibly. After the US fiasco (and the worlds) - possibly.


May I recommend that for one week, Nickel, Buxom, Surething, Wolfie, Beerbelly, limit their discussions on the board to conversation neutral topics on others boards. When we are on our own boards can we limit our postings to not even making polite jibes at other companies.


Lastly, I apologize for my sermon. If you find my post useless please let me know or put me on ignore. If I am out of line - tell me. If I need to step down then I will. I am not above this mess either.

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