This is really bad news. I must admit that the thought had crossed my mind: If Salman pulled out of the deal, would the LBE price not collapse (yes), and, would Salman, or some associated party, or parties, not be able to benefit by snapping up many shares at bargain prices?
If we are able to raise debt financing under these current conditions (macro and micro), then, to my mind this is a VERY, VERY good sign for the future. Who would lend so much money to an organization, under these conditions, unless they were quite convinced that the future (2 years or so) is bright?
If we cannot raise debt financing, then Traps' suggestion of putting a share offer to the current (and future) shareholders at a bargain price may be the only way to survive the current crunch, and have Liberty remain a going concern. And don't forget my question of more than 6 months ago: Why would one of the majors not pick off Liberty at these depressed prices (poison pill or no --- survival is the first concern for LBE)?
Any comments, anyone?
-- R.