Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

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Message: Nickel Inventory Plummets...

Re: Nickel Inventory Plummets...

posted on Jan 12, 2009 06:29PM

..Talk on the streets here in Sudbury, is Vale ( INCO ) to cut 40,000 metric tons of production in 09. Mine closers and contractor lay offs have already taken effect on the small bussiness owners. Vale will be faceing labour negociations in May and talk sounds grim as some are worried about a lenghty shut down which could last months. Inventory on the LME would sure see large Roll backs because of this dispute. Vale also proceses other small ni co ore in the area and this would curtail their facilities. My home value is down 20% in the last six months, at a time the city just completed their assesments, yes my taxes are up 18 %. Traps7

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