Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Surviving

Likely burning up what remaining cash we had when we pulled the plug and went to care and maintenance. We would have had inventory in process and would have received cash from that to keep our core costs paid for.

We'll have a better idea of what our cash position is upon the release of the year-end financials, but we won't see those until most likely March.

Every day that goes by is another handful of cash that goes out the door. Care and maintenance staff, accounting and legal fees, management, etc... thousands of dollars each day. It all adds up to a continued hefty cash bill that will further deplete our meagre reserves. If we don't have any financing/merger/etc action by spring, we'll probably be handing our assets over to our creditors and folding the company.

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