Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Corporate Update

Hi Quazzy,

Great post.

I concur with your thoughts. Having a lien on the equipment is not the end of the world. In fact, given the situation, I would be surprised if unpaid creditors were not placing liens on the property. I am sure that this is happening to a lot of companies these days.

I also am sensitive to your concern that the liens may be placed to scuttle the financing deal, as I have seen such things done in the past. However, in this case, my concern about this scenario is pretty small. I think these businesses are just taking steps to get in line if there is liquidation.

My opinion is that there will be a financing deal with the Chinese, but it is only my opinion and is complete speculation on my part. I think the deal might even be worked out now, to be available on an as-needed basis. I also believe that we will not see an announcement on this until late in the game, because there is no need to announce a deal with the Chinese until then. It may be that Gary does not even want the deal now, in case (fingers and toes crossed many times) something happens to make opening the mine and generating revenue viable.



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