Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: posts today

posts today

posted on Feb 20, 2009 11:22AM

i read the posts on this site every day, looking for information and thoughts regarding the status of Liberty Mines and the process they are going through. when i logged on today i was surprised at the list of posts considering how quiet this site has been lately. i went through and read each post eager to find some new info or intelligent thoughts about Liberty, boy was i mistaken. i must admit i enjoyed reading the posts ( was playing out like a cheap novel) however, i must say that this site may not be the best place to be spewing the rhetoric that i read. looks like some venting from a couple of very frustrated guys...i would expect to see much more of this as the economy continues its downward spiral over the next year...we are in this for the longhaul....but.....this site is not the best place for it, at the very least, off topic posts should be used, even then, some things are better off not said, it is bad enough that they are thought....

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