Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Re: Stuff
Aug 06, 2009 08:11PM

Aug 06, 2009 09:04PM
Aug 07, 2009 07:49AM

Big Willy, JJ does want to make money!

I talked to Gary last night.

We talked about "puts". That is when a company tries to lock in the downside of the price of Nickel. If we go that route, futures can be bought and if the price of Ni drops below for example $9 then they can be exercised. If the price of Ni rises, then they would just be allowed to expire. It costs money, but that is one option open for us. Does Liberty learn from the downside? Yes!

Our development will be done in Oct and then we can start mining.

Last week we saw some selling from an institution. It is hard to see that volume of selling and not see the sp change!

Next week our financials are coming out and we will see that Gary lent Liberty some money to keep it going. He is committed to our company. Wm Randall will be consulting this year. We will be having a new geologist and he was involved in the "discovery" of the Shaw Dome. Sounds pretty exciting to me and we will see a press release on that so we will see the details then.

I don't like the words that John has said, and I apologize to the board for bringing his words to our board but I don't post on SH anymore. I have had computer problems and VISTA and my antivirus just do not like SH and me posting there!

Aug 07, 2009 10:33AM
Aug 07, 2009 10:44AM

Aug 07, 2009 10:53AM

Aug 07, 2009 10:57AM
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