Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Headlines in the SudburyStar Newspaper...repeat news but in the paper

In rough figures:

5300 tonnes of ore at 1.5%Ni would have 75.5 tonnes of nickle.

85%recovery would yield 64.4 tonnes of nickle.

Concentrate is about 80% nickle so it would take (5X64.4=) 322 tonnes of concentrate.

This was mined between Sept 14th and Sept 24th. so LBE should be doing about 3X this per month.

64.4 X3=193.2 tonnes which equals about 425,040 pounds at $8 per pound equals $3.4 million per month plus the side metals that we get from Exstrada.

When we get rolling we will be doing 3X this output per month,through the mill (ie now we are only doing about 500 tonnes per day, later it will grow to 1500 per day for awhile, then up to 2000 per day), maybe at slightly lower grades for awhile, then slightly higher grades for awhile, so do the midget math. Lets see, possibly 3X$3.4 million=$10 Milllion per month, give or take.

Not Bad for a start. If I have this wrong please step in.


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