Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: perpective

I as many who read this board have seen it deteriorate into something similiar to SH. Many of us have been with Liberty since the beginning, the very beginning. We have not wavered in our belief about this company. We have spoken go Gary personally and what you all must understand is that he has put his heart and soul into Liberty and continues to do so. He worked tirelessly to keep this company a going concern and did just that. For those that truely know this man and this company you know this is a good investment and Liberty has some of the best prospects out there. There are many on this board who know much about Liberty hold off posting, they read the bashing and shake thier heads and log off. I do not read SH for that reason. I know personal friends of Gary who used to post here. They would not reveal that fact for obvious reasons. For those reading those posts you could read between the lines and see that the person had the inside ear of our CEO. If there is intelligent discussion we will see these people post, if not? well this site is no better than SH. I will end by saying..... stay tuned, the best is yet to come........... uberrich

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