Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Re: Two things
Jul 15, 2010 09:31AM
Jul 21, 2010 01:18PM

Yeah, it is good to see the insider trading going on. They must know something we don't, especially as we hit our 52 week low today at 0.15 cents! I hope it is just investors selling and freeing up cash for summer plans...

it was Legend7 that posted the last breakdown of insider trading in the below post:

This is definitely encouraging to see. I am not sure where he pulled this information from though. I did a little searching as well and found the below site. I noticed that there was a new name that doesn't appear on the above list. So, it would look like another insider as listed on the Hotstocked page below, shows in the last 5 trades that occurred insider Pinsent, John Harld Charles purchased 25,000 recently as well.

I agree with wanderer5, I think we just have to be patient and wait. Let Liberty continue to pull all the ore they can out of the ground. Which they ARE doing. Even more exciting are Liberty's plans to get the mill permitted up to 2000 tonnes per day! It will be nice to see that translate into even more cash and debt repayment going forward.

I too don't see how having Chinese investors could be a bad thing? When I see all that has been accomplished as a result, I see a lot of positives to it. Yeah, there is a lot of debt involved, but there is a lot of money that is coming out of the ground here! We can't forget that the Redstone mine is still kicking out somewhere around 275 to 300 tonnes / day as well to the mix. (correct me if I am wrong). We also have nickel holding pretty stable at an average of ~8.50 US/lb as well. And as mentioned in an earlier post, the steps taken on getting the Hart mine underway are in progress is the time to buy this stock!

Overall, I believe Gary N is a very competent CEO, and has already proven that they can achieve their milestones they set out to this far. I do believe that in the next few months this stock will turn around and long term investors will hopefully get to breathe a sigh of relief!

Jul 23, 2010 12:20PM
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