Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: EBF off topic?


Wow, allot of name-calling in your post and threats of legal action! I can see you are very upset with recent events. I understand so I won’t take it personally because ISM is not where I want it to be either but I remain hopeful.I guess I could go back into the LBE reports and dig that information out regarding resource / reserve calculations but I do recall that comment applying to much of the resources. Do you disagree? If so let’s put it out for discussion so others can chime in.

Believe it or not I do understand what non-GAAP means (non- generally accepted accounting practices). The point I am making, which you refuse to acknowledge, is not all the costs have been incorporated into the cost per pound. It sounds more like semantics imho. Ask yourself; if not all the debt servicing costs are included, what is the real is cost? When does it become a factor in the life of the mine and when do you add it in? It’s not like you can ignore that much debt. I liken it to the 500 pound gorilla in the kitchen; no one wants to talk about.

The market just gave a big thumb down to the financial report as evidenced by the 14.3% dip in share price. It is what kept me from jumping in and I am glad I didn’t.

Anyway Nickel, let’s not call each other names. It tends to stifle communications and make a mockery out of forums like this. Have look at Stockhouse and ask yourself if this is the type of thing you want to be associated with. Are you the same Nickel77 as in that forum? I certainly hope not. I avoid that place like the plague.

Cheers & glta


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