Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: EBF

EBF, I mean slickster.

You continue to prove my descriptions of your slick actions. Firstly, you state: “A number of months ago, in one of the reports produced by LBE, there were disclaimers saying the numbers in the resource calculations “have not demonstrated economic viability” (or something to that effect). I see comments like that as akin to “batteries not included or your mileage may vary” so I don’t take them too seriously. In the case of LBE however, those comments proved true.”

Then you continue: “I guess I could go back into the LBE reports and dig that information out regarding resource/reserve calculations but I do recall that comment applying to much of the resources. Do you disagree? If so let’s put it out for discussion so others can chime in.”

And now you conclude, after being put in a corner: “I beg your pardon Sir but that was my point about them being normal disclaimers like “your mileage will vary”. All reports are same in that respect.. I understand…I get it. No need to name call.”

EBF, this proves to all why I coin you as a slickster. You insinuated that LBE has an uneconomic deposit, then you try to instigate a public discussion and finally you say, gee, I knew all along that all resource reports have that disclaimer. You are a proven slickster. I repeat, you are a proven slickster. Probably the puppeteer that Victor talks about on the other board.

Now you are trying to deflect from the obvious facts how LBE is in a position to pay off its debt. The details have been stated of how the cash flow is generated from the difference of the nickel price and the cost to produce a pound of nickel. In fact in your words “In my world, it comes from the Ni LBE sells to the market”. Exactly EBF. But then the slickster part of you states: “Maybe someone else should chime in and give us a realistic “total cost per pound” which includes the financing costs.”

EBF, we are not going to convolute the definition of cost per pound, previously defined in detail; the cost per pound defined by the mining industry does not include interest. As explained, the difference of the price of nickel less the LBE cost per pound at $ 4.50 is where cash comes to pay back the principal and interest of the debt over the balance of this year and probably all of 2011 if you want to extinguish the preferred shares too. You are trying so hard to twist that into some non truth by screwing around with a standard in the industry. There are two variables: the price of Nickel and LBE cost per pound. The latter they control, based on the life of mine grades and site efficiencies. They do not control the price of nickel. The timing of getting the debt and interest paid depends on the price of nickel. Get it EBF?



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