Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

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Message: Any Questions - off topic

All, I realise this is off topic but below is a clasic example of why there is a problem with this forum. Nickel posted this toady on ISM. Any questions?


“There is a lot to say imho because the recent financial reports are indications of a pivotal, make or break juncture. They are extremely important and warrant discussion. What I am finding is people do not want to discuss them; that is a big yellow flag.”

Considering that the Stock Price of ISM has completely collapsed since the release of the Independent Micon Resource Report on the Langmuir Properties 6 months ago, I would have to think most investors believe the company is at a make or break juncture regarding the Company Maker Langmuir Properties. If you honestly believe in what you wrote above, you should also be of the opinion, there is now much to talk about regarding the latest ISM quarterlies and M.D. and A. that were released today.

Recent comments of yours should be backed by Technical Reports or Company Management Information in the Financials, and/or M.D. and A. that back up what you say is correct.So far, there is nothing I can see in the recent Technical Reports, Quarterlies or M.D. and A’s that back up any of your claims.

“They also say L1 could be brought back in to economic production quickly. There is an absolute minimum of 351 Million pounds of Ni and its is still open at length and depth. There is no way I will be selling any shares. ."

ISM has Langmuir 1 which is essentially turn-key is just waiting to be re-entered”.

EBF, your comments are completely false and you know it.

The only true facts at this time are:

ISM has NO economic reserves

ISM has NO dewatering permit,

ISM has NO First Nation Agreements.

Please stick to the Facts.



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