Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: I don't know


The topics I bring up about ISM could indeed have positive outcomes for LBE; therefore my topics are on the correct forum, contrary to what you believe. LBE and ISM properties are adjacent to one another. In my opinion, boundary issues will be a crucial problem ISM will have to work through, if they believe they have a financially extractable resource in the L-2.

If you, EBF, doingthejob and others think ISM has anything of value regarding the L-1, it also may have bearing that could benefit LBE in some way. The Micon Resource Report was as clear as can be, and was based on ISM building its own Mill. Either ISM does that if they can prove up enough financially extractable resources, or secondly they just prove up what ever they can on the L-1 or L-2, mine and ship that ore for processing elsewhere or thirdly, they look to LBE to possibly buy some capacity of that resource if it fits in with LBE’s plans and economics.

Do you honestly see it as all “mudslinging” when people just want answers to very basic questions of concerns that any other company has no problem answering? LBE has been through much more difficult times than that of ISM, but management still responds to every shareholder question, as best they can.

For some reason you and others come across that it is perfectly okay to repeat posts and topics promoting ISM, yet when it comes to very basic questions and concerns that investors and others have regarding ISM, as they watch their investment disintegrate; you now seem to want to classify that as some sort of exchange that should not be allowed.

I understand the repetitiveness of the same topics gets rather boring and annoying at times, but as long as no one; including ISM (the company) will even attempt to respond to shareholder concerns, these questions will always be brought up in some manner until an explanation is given.

In my opinion, the longer investors have to wait for the company to acknowledge and address concerns shareholders have, it will only draw more attention that maybe something more concerning could be happening within their investment.

You state, “I would like to ask why he would be the guy (EBF) who would know? I would think the only guys who can answer that are those you do refer to making the big monthly salaries”.

Whaler, I couldn’t agree with you more. So just why isn’t the company responding to shareholder concerns? If I.R. is not going to respond for the job they are hired for; how is that in shareholder interests? If the company management will not respond to concerns of investors, then maybe its time to start asking the TSX and Securities Regulators what shareholders can do if the company simply goes silent, yet continues giving themselves raises, options, and parachute packages, not to mention buying an NSR without a full Ni 43-101 disclosure to prove it is in shareholders best interests to do so.

Whaler, lets not kid ourselves. You are on record as publicly stating the company addresses your concerns. So much so, that ISM answers put you at ease with your investment. As far as I know, very few others have been able to get any kind of response from ISM. We have certainly had much confirmation from posters over the years stating the fact they have tried and the company just won’t respond in any manner. I have tried on multiple occasions to get through to ISM with no such luck. Personally, I find that disgusting.

Being the forum leader you are, and obviously able to communicate with ISM, then why not show some backbone and get some of these very legitimate concerns addressed once and for all. You state there is not much to talk about. What a bunch of nonsense! Tell that to the many shareholders that have lost a large % of their investment dollars from the Hype and Promotion that went along with the ISM story. Many LBE shareholders have also lost big time on their investment with LBE, but at least the company is respectful in addressing any concerns investors may have. Shareholders have also been given the companies short and long term goals in which they can now monitor and invest or divest accordingly to their risk threshold as the company moves forward.

The promotion and drilling program on ISM for the past 5 years was 100% about the L-1 and L-2 Langmuir Properties. Anyway you look at it, there is a a direct connect to LBE considering property boundaries.

If these company properties were a hundred miles apart, you may have a point Whaler. That is not the case here, and anything ISM does with the L-1 and L-2 is completely on topic on the LBE forum, and this is where it will stay if needed.

There very well could be some benefit for LBE shareholders regarding any proven extractable resources of ISM’s Langmuir Properties, but in opinion, it will be LBE that drives any negotiations. If ISM posters won’t discuss or get answers to relevant topics that could have some direct and possible positive outcomes for LBE on their own site, it will just have to be done here.



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