Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: If the truth hurts, well...

Calling it bashing is not my definition of pointing issues that are ignored by the company and this forum. Q3 will provide more of these issues as the company has already alluded to I'm sure.

But here's a thought. I keep hearing that when "full production" kicks in, all will be just fine. Ever think that the definition of the companies "full production" may not be enough. Does anyone really know how much production is required? What if its 3,000 or 4,000 tonnes a day, uninterupted, when the mill is to produce up to 2,000.

And now Jilin gets stiffed with a defunked deposit that was mortgaged called Redstone. I imagine they can't be too happy on that one. Wasn't that why the mill was built so close to Redstone? And for that great INCO anomoly? Poof, there goes another great strategy for the company that cost tens of millions and never made a dime. Most was written off and now the balance will be. A real pity.

Ignore if you wish.

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