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Message: Latest insider ....buying


I will take my own counsel regarding what I am or am not concerned about. You have made a lot of assumptions, the first being reading the tea leaves, the other not having sold my shares of ISM. I see you are also still obsessed with Ism and RM; I will remind you, this is the LBE forum.

As far as GN getting the “short end of the stick”, why would you say that? It was the management under his control who may the fateful decisions early on which precipitated the loss of shareholder value. There was no one forcing him was there?

Just like a hockey team with a poor win record, it is usually the coach who gets fired. It’s time for some new blood don’t you think? Don’t get all attached to the management; that leads to bad judgements. Its shareholder value that matters most and maybe the new guy will pull LBE up out of the rather dismal state it finds itself in...Best of luck to him/her!



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