Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Re: Liberty Mines Announces Funding of 2011 Business Plan and Financial Re-Engineeri

From the press release : Jien agrees not to convert any further Preferred
Shares of Liberty.

Well Ant, all preferred shares were not converted. Why do you insist on working with what what if you were not an owner of LBE, why would you be here. So I don't have to calculate how many shares I have to own if they were converted because they weren't. Do you live in reality or a world of what ifs.

" A reprive " , well again speculation, so no need to repspond to what ifs.

" Lucky they converted a small amount ", is it luck or maybe a smart guess that there would be no real sense in converting and destroying a company they have invested in.

Speculate on what a shaft would cost, well I'm not a miner/geologist so why try. All I am is an investor trying to make money...say buying at $0.10 and selling at $0.14 making 40%...something like that. I'm not emotional about the company but you sure sound like you deal with companies/investments out of hatred and emotions. Only a basher would do that not a real investor.

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