Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Sure is Quiet


From what I am hearing, the Mill is up and running and they were not shut down by the Ministry. They apparently did have some down time due to process and water availability problems caused by extremely cold weather.

Sounds like you were right with the news the Manager got the punt; but at the same time, apparently a new VP of Operations started this week. I am sure we will see many more changes in the operations of LBE. I would bet JJ will be very aggressive with their actions to move LBE forward with whatever it takes. Why not give them a little breathing room? I am sure most employees jobs would be much more secure with a full producing Mill and I know most shareholders would also be extremely pleased. I would take the news you have told us of the Manager leaving as a positive sign for shareholders. If he was doing his job and accomplishing the goals he was hired for, he obviously wouldn’t have been replaced. It time for accountability from upper management, and if they can’t get the job done, someone else will be taking their place.

I am sure LBE will face more challenging issues ahead before they get to full production; but at least someone is now taking action to accomplish it. Hopefully we will soon see an updated news release that will inform everyone of how things are progressing.


Still hanging in


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