Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Re: Some good news for a change?

Its okay IMO. Drilling is a cheap way of saying something is happening. However we can assume that the Mill at Redstone is still down and money is heading out the door. The real news, should it happen, is the Hart development plan. That is long over due and will set the game plan on just what the Chinese will do with this company.

The Hart East drilling? Nice but Hart has'nt even started yet. The East holes are 6 km away and very deep. I smell more capital cost being required.

Wonder if the East Hart and Groves (I mentioned this before) are being drilled fast as they can be taken over by JJ when the first debt tranche is due. There's no way that tranche will be paid off in nickel ore or in cash with the Mill down this long now.


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