Message: Partnering/Pricing trends in Lithium

Kate, it is only an impression, but that interview with of Jonathan Evans impressed me as to his demeanor.  I was struck with how much he appeared in that interview as being so similar to a successful football coach being interviewed by a Sports journalist who had just inquired:  "Coach, how to you see the upcoming football season playing out for your team this year?"  

I have always believed that "People make a difference", not only in business, but in any aspect of life.  The right man for the job is crucial to the success of any enterprise.  The reverse is also true:  The wrong man for the job will pay the way to failure of the mission.

With that belief in mind then the next logical thing would be to examine the bio of Jon Evans.

Jon Evans LinkedIn home page reallyl peels back the layers of the onion regarding his past accomplisments and his past leadership situations.

Starting early in life in not only possessing high goals but in achieving those goals the first proof of both that stands out in my review of Mr. Evans is that he was an Eagle Scout and that he went on to be a member of his college ROTC program (Reserve Officer Training Corps) while attending Clarkson University to obtain his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering.  He then went on to obtain a Masters in Business Administration and Management at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  None of these accomplisments could be considered "small potatoes".    From 1991 to 1994 he served as an officer in the 1st Infantry Division of the U.S. Army.  

I will stop right there, but his list of accomplishments goes on and can be readily reviewed in the links below.  

Some might not be impressed all that much with his achievement of Eagle Scout rank in the Boy Scouts of America or his membership in a college R.OT.C. program or his serving as an Army officer, especially in the current time we live in where it appears that there is a dedicated movement to question traditional American values of free enterprise and hard work.  Just for myself, since I can't speak for anyone else, I am way impressed by just the goals he set for himself.  I too am a product of that R.O.T.C. program and so I know that military experience can have a life long impact on the direction and purpose that the rest of your life will follow.  There really isn't a much better proving ground for learning leadership qualities than the military and the same can be said for learning teamwork.  His goal as an adolescent to go through all the steps required to achieve Eagle Scout status shows that setting high goals is something that started for Mr. Evans early in life.

I haven't even touched on his business experience, but the links below document much of that for anyone interested.  Patterns are important in viewing where an individual will take themselves and take anyone associated with them in the future.  As I review the patterns of Jon Evans I am quite confident he won't break away from the mold that he has established for himself with his many past successes while heading the management team at LAC.  Individualts can and do make the difference in any organization and any organization is only as good as the people within that organization.  Axiomatic, right?  Of course it is.  Cheesy, right?  Of course it is.       

It is also.... true. 

I believe Evans is a winner and that the helm at LAC is in very good hands.

One last comment about Mr. Evans.  He is a "Career Counselor" at Hire Heroes USA.  He does this on a volunteer basis.  I think his dedication to that organization peels back another layer on the onion, one that is close to the soul of the man.  Take a second and do a Search for Hire Heroes USA and see what this organization does if you want to know more about Jon Evans than just the fact that he is the current CEO of LAC.  

Best wishes to all LAC investors. 

People make a difference.  Individuals, like Jon Evans, do make a difference.    Okiedo

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