Message: Getting back to normal

This is the explanation given in one article as to why LAC stock surged over 12% yesterday:

"On the other hand, analysts still expect to see Lithium Americas get back to reporting profits next year, and to resume growing profits strongly thereafter. Perhaps the real story today, then, is that Lithium Americas is still on track to get back to normal."

Really?  "Perhaps the real story today, then, is that Lithium Americs is still on track to get back to normal."?????

So we are supposed to believe that the possibility of getting back to "normal" provided the impetus for yesterday's share price increase and over 2 million shares traded?

I, personally don't buy that proposition as "the real story" in the least.  Unless, of course, you propose that Minera Exar's CEO and management having criminal charges filed against them is "getting back to normal".  That situation, IF it turns out to be valid ( and the validity of those reported criminal charges may not prove out to be valid at all, that remains to be verified ) would be a ticking time bomb thrown in the lap of LAC that has obviously not counted down to it's ultimate explosion.

  IF, big "if", that report of criminal activity turns out to be true and "if" the subsequent prosecution of Exar's CEO and management is successful then the next question would be:  What role did LAC and LAC management have in the decision of Exar's CEO and management to flout the safety requirements legally required by the Provincial government in Argentina's Jujuy Province?

I am not  saying that this will be how this story plays out in the end, I am only suggesting that this will come back to bite LAC in the butt IF the suggestion of criminal activity is validated and the trail leads back to LAC.  

We don't know that at this moment.  It all depends on what was "normal" for Exar and for LAC.

JMO    okiedo

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