Message: Re: More scrutiny
Nov 29, 2020 01:10PM

Nov 30, 2020 03:00PM

 Cal, one of the arguments for Solar and Wind generation is that the BASELOAD Energy situation will be ameliorted by an expansion of Energy Storage Systems, primarily battery storage, but not limited to battery storage.  Lithium Batteries would be just one type of battery used for that purpose and probably not the best, but they would find a contribution.  Buffering the voltage changes in the Grid would also be a key function of the ESS.  I appreciate the fact that your source is attempting to find warts on the skin of the arguments in favor of Wind and Solar generation, but personally I don't buy that BASELOAD shift argument since an increase in alternative energy generation has gone hand in hand with an increase in ESS various methods to store the increased amounts of alternative energy and to buffer those otherwise wide fluctuations in power occuring on transmission lines.  I don't think that the buffering aspect of ESS can be minimized in that situation.

The link below gives a different flavor to its assessment of Wind and Solar Energy in Germany:

Germany Accelerates Commitment To Renewable Energy, Moves Closer To Carbon Neutrality (

The paragraph below capsulizes this yoked pairing of alternative energy expansion and ESS expansion:

"A traditional electricity system doesn’t require much storage, because power generation can be adjusted to match demand. This changes dramatically as the system uses more renewable energy, because power generation from wind turbines and solar PV systems depends on the weather. This is where storage comes into play. Put simply, the purpose of the technology is to store energy for later use – instead of the current system in which most electricity must be consumed as soon as it is generated."

As this applies to Germany, see the following link:  "Electricity storage is next feat for Germany’s energy transition | Clean Energy Wire"

I will post this here on the Discussion Forum, but also over on the Off Topic Forum under the threas:  Solar Energy.  Hopefully we can shift further pro and con views to that thread on Off Topic.

I am concerned that this important topic of the Pros and Cons of alternative energy generation may and energy storage may take on the major focus of the Hub discussions.  It is an obvious important topic and it has a definite bearing on lithium production through lithium demand, but I am hopeful that we can continue to discuss it over on the Off Topic Forum in as much detail as anyone wants to do both in support and in criticism of the expansion of alternative energy sources and energy storage.  Thanks.  Okiedo

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