Message: Here is holding LAC shares

Well, it is my opinion, that EVs are unsustainable and environment unfriendly way of getting around. Just a toy for rich to make them feel great about their painless contribution to the environment protection, paid by fellow mainstream tax payers.

Tesla existence is purely possible due to an unlimited supply of free others people money and due to government subsidies. VW is raising as the global EV leader just because of the harsh system of fines implemented in EU as well as strong government support of EV in China. None of these events are organically grown. But, I also see, that this trend has heavy support from greenwashes of all nations. Sometimes in the future, it will be recognized as quite costly “death end”. But till that, it would be a mistake not to participate. Due to my imperfect moral standards, I am not able to benefit directly from the rise of the “Evil Man” (and which cannot be named here for 6 rules reasons). Hence I have identified lithium extraction and subsequent battery production as something which does not need too much of government subsidies, is independent on an OEM producer and can generate profit.

It is probably fair to add, that unlike my fellow contributors here, I am not unconditionally in love with my investments. There is no doubt, that LAC is on its way north from today price point, but one should not neglect bearish episodes in this overall trend and keep an eye on emergency exit, just in a case. I am also bit critical of the management. Mr. Evans is such lousy  honest guy. In current environment, one does not need production. Zero revenue is perfectly fine business model. All we critically need are good stories. The battery factory was such a great setup. No need to build it, just talk about that and using buzz words such as “solid state”, “unique technology”, mention Apple from time to time and maybe Tesla too on regular quarterly exhibitions. All that would ensure a FOMO avalanche of new money. Subsequent share price rise to around $100/share, would allow sufficient financing form secondary offering with no partner needed.

With bit of luck, LAC could keep these stories alive for years, keeping opening of Thacker Pass “just around the corner” and maybe not opening Thacker Pass at all, which would be both winning strategy for shareholders as well as for the environment. OK, that last sentence is probably bit too much even for todays craziness. :-)  

PS: Cal, I hope you did enjoy your morning coffee :-)


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