Message: Judge upholds mining tax proposals

Mining tax plans upheld by Carson City judge | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Two of the amendments would increase the state’s tax revenues from mining nearly tenfold and differ only in that one would dedicate a portion of that revenue to education and health care programs while the other would go toward a dividend program that would directly pay Nevadans a small sum, similar to Alaska’s oil dividends program. The third plan, described as “an olive branch” to the mining industry, would increase the 5 percent net proceeds tax cap in the state constitution to a 12 percent cap."

"Wilson's decision could be appealed to the Nevada Supreme Court at the same time lawmakers are deciding whether to put any of three proposals before voters in 2022."

Judge rejects lawsuit to block Nevada mining tax proposals - Plainview Herald (

"In the lawsuit, four rural counties — Lander, Pershing, White Pine and Elko, plus the elected Elko County Commission — sued the state and Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske to block three measures passed in August by the Legislature. The plaintiffs argued they would suffer economic harm.


In Nevada, battles over mining taxes have raged since prospectors first struck silver in the 19th century. The state constitution in 1864 capped taxes on minerals at less than 5% of what are called net proceeds — profit minus deductions for certain costs."

"In the low-turnout 2014 election, voters struck down by a razor-thin 3,200 votes a proposal to scrap the industry's unique constitutional status.

The latest fight is over a trio of resolutions that the Democratic-controlled Legislature passed during a special session convened to try to balance the state budget amid the pandemic."

So, it looks like this issue may not be settled until 2022 and maybe not even then if an appeal is filed to the Nevada Supreme Court and the Court agrees to hear the appeal.  

Onward through the Fog!!       Okiedo

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