Message: Dead horse.

Just started to post the link below about this problem, Cal, when I saw your latest OT post.  Yes, the Texas and California situations recently both illustrate the need for all forms of energy.  Peak Generators normally would kick on in a situation such as the one now occuring in Texas in order to pick up the slack form, in this case, alternative energy generation.  The news media is targeting the Wind Generators for the present problem in Texas, even though they make up only 10% of the electricity generation in Texas.  As the article below points out, alternative energy generation in more northern by far latitudes than Texas has learned how to cope with extreme cold and still keep the alternative generation of electricity in tact.  The disincentive in Texas for energy companies to provide enough Peaker Plants that use diesel, natural gas, biofuel or a combination has come home to roost for the Texas utility companies and that disincentive was a political decision by the state government in Texas.  

All forms of energy are important for a successful energy generation program that will function well in both "normal" times and in extreme weather conditions as well.  The article below also points out that situations such as the one in Texas now and in California last Summer are stimulating the growth of a paring of solar generation with ESU storage that can handle peak situations for at least a few hours at a time although that coupling doesn't negate the need for Peaker Plants that run on carbon based fuels for those extreme situations that require more than just a few hours of back up generation.

‘Peaker’ Gas Plants May Have Peaked After All (

The Texas grid got crushed because its operators didn’t see the need to prepare for cold weather (

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