Message: Problem

It won't be long until this Hub comes up on its first anniversary and we still only have one "Hub Leader".  That is a problem.

While the Hub is not a big one, by Agoracom standards, it has had some growth over the past almost a year.  The situation of having only one "Hub Leader" is not ideal.  There needs to be more of a balance.  I would like to see anyone interested in working in that capacity to give me a shout via PM.  Ideally, they should be the rank of Vice President.  We only have a few presently with that rank, and my own position as Hub Leader was, I believe, intended as only a temporary measure by Agoracom.  I don't know that for sure, but what I do know is that I will never see the rank of "Vice President" again.  A number of you will soon be eligible for that rank with Agoracom if you just keep posting and don't have much in the way of resentment from fellow members to bring your score down.  

I am just putting this out here for you all to give it your consideration.  I am more than willing to step down from this "Appointed" position and let someone else take this one, but we should have at least 2, more likely 3, Hub Leaders to balance things out. Having an odd number might be an advantage so that a clear majority might be easily obtained on any issue where controversy becomes a factor in making a necessary decision. 

I don't believe that having just one Hub Leader is beneficial to the long term goal of keeping a viable Agoracom Hub that is consisitent with the 6 Rules of Agoracom, regardless of who that one Hub Leader might be, myself included.

So, for right now, I am asking all of you to just think about taking on this Hub Leader thing and to give it some consideration over the next month.  When we get into April, the anniversary month for the start of this Hub, I will bring it up again and solicit actively the names of those interested.  I don't know that I can appoint anyone to be Hub Leader, but I can certainly submit names for consideration to Agoracom.  

No one needs to send me a PM right now, I would rather give you plenty of time to think it over and for the many "Treasurer" rank members to step up to the next rank.  

I will be off line for the second half of March as I am going on a vacation at that time and vacation, to me, means a break from the ordinary activities, including a break from this Hub.

Keep posting.  We should have several of you qualify for "Vice President" rank within the next 6 weeks or so, when I address this situation again.  I haven't been told that Treasurer rank excludes anyone from serving as Hub Leader, so I don't know for sure that that would eliminate you from taking this on. 

I think that the only reason I, a "Treasurer" rank, was "Appointed" was because at the time of my appointment the other members who were on this Hub were all new to Agoracom and all were "Mailroom" rank.  I have been a member of Agoracom since 2008, so they had to have "somebody" occupy that position until the rest of you could advance.  Well, many of you have done just that, advanced in experience and in rank with Agoracom. 

This is a great Hub and the discussions have been super here.  We have had far fewer acrimonious posts on this Hub than you will find almost anywhere else, especially when compared to TOB.  I know that with new leadership here on this Hub the comraderie that already exists will be continued and allowed to flourish.  My only goal was to get it started and to see a place where all of that acrimony is left at the door.  Without Agoracom and its policies none of us would have that "place".  Thanks, Agoracom!!

Thanks for all of your continued participation here on this Agoracom Hub.


Mar 02, 2021 10:08AM
Mar 02, 2021 02:38PM
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