Message: Problem

Cal:  "On the other side I would like to add that I agree with Okiedo to add more Hub leaders. I just wanted to add that to become vise-President one has to post enough to receive points mentioned, but also has to be rated by fellow members at least 3 stars.

Therefore I am asking all of you -please rate fellow members at least 4 if not 5 starts, every unrated viewer lowers overall star rating.  Thank"

Couldn't agree more, Cal.  It is time to expand the Hub Leader situation to 3 Hub Leaders and make that 3 New ones.  Time for this old one, temporarily appointed, to go back to "just plain member" status.  My goal was to kick this Hummer into gear and get it started back in April of 2020.  Goal achieved!  Now, time to move on with new and fresh blood.

Remember that your ranking of fellow members is not chiseled in stone.  You can, if you believe it is justified, revise your previous rating of any member UP or DOWN.  Cal has asked that you consider a 4 or 5 rating to help that other member achieve Vice President or President rank.  Not one of us is going to agree with any other member 100% of the time, so if you have downgraded someone with a 1 or 2 ranking in the past and your currrent opinion of them is higher, then step up and update your ranking on that member.  Please!

My hope is that we find 3 NEW Hub Leaders that result in a balanced view of information that supports members to post the most accurate information and the most considered opinions, whether those posts show the Roses or the Thorns of LAC.

Some might view that statement as one encouraging both Pumpers and Bashers.  Not so!!!  Just remember where we came from before coming to this Agoracom Hub.  A place that had no tolerance for anything except the most glowing opinions and information about LAC.  Well, LAC is just like any other company, it has both good and bad points.  I would't be invested in LAC, and neither would any of you, if I or you thought that the good didn't outway the bad, but we should never be blind to critical information or genuine critical opinion.  The reverse is also true, we want all of the "Good Stuff" here on this Hub as well.  If we have both then we have a good handle on something called: "Truth".  That should be the Gold Standard that sets this message board apart from other message boards, that and the respect for the opinions of all members here.... just as long as those opinions abide by those 6 simple Rules we all signed onto in order to become members of Agoracom.  Mutual Respect, in a nutshell.

Starting in April I hope to receive some PMs from individual members expressing their desire to be one of the NEW Hub Leaders on this Hub.  While I would prefer to see those persons have the Vice President or President rank, I will still be willing to submit the names of otherwise qualified "Treasurer" members to the Administrator.

I just hope I see at least 3 interested persons step forward.  In that event I can step down and let them take up the reins to guide this Hub forward.  

OK, more than enough on this subject, just take time to "think it over" and give some consideration to becoming a Hub Leader here.  

Thanks, Cal, for your support on the issue of NEW Hub Leaders.



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