Message: Joint resolutions would more than quintuple state taxes on mining in Nevada Some rural counties stand to lose significant revenue

An update on this post from earlier this year.

Looks like the more severe forms of proposed mining taxes for Nevada mining companies were not able to get through successfully the political maze in Carson City.  The one that looks like it is going to make it through is much less severe in its scope, has the backing of lobbyists of the Nevada mining industry and, at least from the article linked below, doesn't refer to the lithium mining industry.

On that last point, I made it only because the new article said nothing about how this new legislation might or might not affect lithium mining since it is specific ( at least as reported in this article ) for only the large Gold mining and large Silver mining locations.

Obviously, more information is needed about the specifics since the details may indeed involve a wider spectrum of the Nevada mining industry and may have been omitted in the story only due to carlessness on the part of the reporter.  As of this juncture I don't know the wider story, but it should come out after the Nevada governor signs this bill into law, as he is expected to do.

UPDATE: Nevada lawmakers one step closer to increasing mining taxes on session's final day (

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