Message: Will Falk

See the Link Library for the specific link to the 25 May 2021 NDEP meeting.  Sound is not good, but there are still some important moments that can be gleaned.  Thank you so much, Adam Yang, for pointing the way to the video for this meeting! 

Drawing your attention to the the very last of this long video and starting around the last 9 minute mark and going until the 4 minute mark is an interview of Will Falk. You get to see Will in person and hear him talk about how the NDEP provided their own questions and how "unfair" government regulators are in the first place.

So who is Will Falk?  Falk is an attorney who graduated from one of the most liberal universities in the U.S.,  the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin.  He is an environmental activist attorney.

It is only one aspect of Mr. Falk, but his views on the car culture are elaborated to a great extent in a link I will provide at the end of this note.  An exerpt of a few of those comments gives the flavor of his view about the automobile, not only as it applies to the automobile in the U.S., but also his world view of the automobile in its effects on humanity.  I found his comments "revealing".  See what you think.  

"* Then there are the cultural aspects of car culture. The car-based suburbs struck a terrible blow to localized communities in the US, breaking up close-knit urban neighborhoods and replacing them with atomized subdivisions, in which each household (now reduced to its “nuclear” form, without extended family) was isolated with a propaganda machine. The “conveniences” imposed on us then ended up having a far higher price tag than advertised, and the resulting consumer culture is now swallowing up the world. From a mental health stand point, the alienation the suburbs inflicted on our society still tortures us to this day.

* More subtle, but very real, is the way our perception is shaped by observing the world from inside a metal box at great speed. From a vantage of insulation and separation, other objectsincluding peopleare reduced to mere obstacles. The dehumanization that is imprinted this way doesn’t immediately end when we get out of the vehicle."

So according to Mr. Falk the car provides us with "dehumanization"   Actually, I think that assertion is correct.  It does dehumanize us in an emotional way, however could you not say the same for a horse and buggy or a bicycle?  The question, regarding Mr. Falk's perception of the solution for this "dehumanization" is: Just how far does Mr. Falk suggest that civilization should take in correcting this "dehumanization" process?

  What are the remedies according to Mr. Falk?

Review the link below and you will have a much better idea of how Mr. Falk perceives that modern society should go in order to correct the evils of the automobile and solve all the repercussions of this diabolical "Deus ex machina"?


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