Message: Re: June 23 TP construction?
May 31, 2021 02:29AM
May 31, 2021 10:42AM

Just speaking for myself, but since DGR and all of the numerous other "environmental activists" have full knowledge that Nevada Lithium is expecting decisions on the water quality, air quality and any other environmental related permit situation during this summer we will see additional lawsuits filed and not in an amateuristic fashion.  Remember that one of these groups claims their legal cadre has an 85% "success rate" for decisions in their favor against suits they have filed.... and they have filed scores of suits over many years.  Environmental attorneys have no other purpose in life except to file suit wherever the organization that they represent draws a target.  Those present amateurish attempts may serve no other purpose but to attract the bigger predators to the intended feast on LAC's Nevada Lithium and the Thacker Pass Project.

I am not in any way hoping for such a result, only anticipating that it will happen and that the current lull in oppositional activity is a deception, possibly a deliberate deception in order to have LAC make an assessment that the present group of "environmental activists" are a threat in name only and not worthy of more aggressive counter measures.  

Of course, I hope my assessment is incorrect, but I have a deep mistrust of attorneys in general and of "environmental activist attorneys" in specific.  I believe they see the remaining request for permit approvals as a last ditch opportunity for them to obstruct the Thacker Pass Project and that, as such, an opportunity that from their perspective they can not afford to do anything except take out all the stops and move forward with all the obstructive maneuvers available to them, definitely including filing of more lawsuits.  I do sincerely think that LAC and Nevada Lithium need to stay on guard for that possibility and to aggressively continue with countermeasures.  Recent events suggest they are doing just that.  

I suspect that, to some extent at least, the group of "environmental activists" that have drawn the Thacker Pass Project into their crosshairs have based their hope for success in the ares of obstructing and preventing lithium mining in Humboldt County, Nevada, on the template of what "environmental activists" in projects such as destroying the build of the Keystone XL Pipeline have done.  I think they may view that obstruction and blockage as the definitive "How to Do It" manual to construct their own success for the future at Thacker Pass.

As spring thaws the Minnesota ice, a new pipeline battle fires up - CNN

I don't think these guys are sleeping.  Again, I really hope I am wrong... but I believe this "fight", as they perceive it, will only heat up as the summer heats up.

JMO    Okiedo

May 31, 2021 09:30PM
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