Message: What lessons can we take for Thacker Pass from the Keystone XL debacle?

rkeeb:  " I still believe that LAC's biggest fight will be in the courts."

And we can find agreement about the level of magnitude regarding the court fight, but it is because of the underlying manufactured attack by the "environmentalist movement" that the battle in the courts even exists.  They have a track record of taking existing conflicts that could be resolved by the parties in conflict at the local level and pouring emotional kerosene on that conflict in order to bring about a legal conflagration. 

They have the knowledge of "how to do it" and they use their experience, their knowledge and all of their resoucres, not to exclude an army of talented and driven attorneys, to achieve the delay and eventual cancellation of important construction projects of all kinds.  The court battles that eventually become the ultimate battleground are preceded by all of the social and political manipulations and propaganda efforts of these various environmental activists.  They leave a trail of documentation in their path and it is that trail that is available for anyone, definitely including the attorneys who will represent LAC, to follow so as to provide the best legal defense for LAC when that time comes.  Again, just an opinion.  I tend to try and look at the past record of an adversary, any adversary, so as to help construct a better defense when the future appears to foretell a collision of our two courses.  Just an old habit.  

At any rate, we both agree that LAC and the environmentalist activists will, indeed, battle it out in court.  That is foredained by the filing of the 4 groups requesting the injunction against LAC.  I  have previously posted over on the Off Topic Forum a note about links to each of those 4 litigants so that members here could quickly find more detailed information about each of those 4 groups.  I would encourage anyone to take a few minutes to acquaint with the history and goals of these groups and, of course, their record in previous court battles.

I could never belittle the importance of the upcoming battle in the courts whereby LAC goes on the defensive regarding Thacker Pass, I think our only difference is that I also believe the psychological and social battle that is incorporated in the opinions and emotions of those affected residents of Humboldt County, Native Americans and non-Native Americans, will ultimately be as important as what plays out in the courts. 

LAC doesn't want to operate in a hostile environment for the next 46 years.  I believed Zawadzki when he said that Nevada Lithium wanted to be a "Good Neighbor", so for me the most important thing is that those affected residents of Humboldt Countuy should feel the same as Zawadzki.

  As for the outside "activists", I couldn't care less. When the stated goal is to do away with industrial society, to do away with the automobile ( EV and ICE combined), then you begin to realize that at least some of these organizations have far more on their agenda than just stopping construction of a lithium mine.  You only begin to see their bigger picture when you delve into what their leaders have left as a trail.. what they have written.  The digging is very revealing and it is there for anyone who puts forth the effort.  The more you know about these groups the more you realize that stopping Thacker Pass is just one whistle stop on a long train ride for them and they are focused as well on many more destinations and intend to change modern life in a major way.  Thacker Pass is not their ultimate goal.  Like an onion, peel back the layers.  Don't take my word for it, that would be the worst thing you could do.  Investigate the clear trail that they have left.  

Best wishes to all LAC investors.  Okiedo

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