Message: We can do both…

Cal, great find.  Thanks!  As for the Stop Thacker Pass movement, the link below describes recent and proposed activities of one of the Thacker Pass opposition groups:  "Community Rights US", aka:  CRUS.

I submit again, for the members of this Hub that it is always prudent to make yourself aware of the propaganda production by your adversary in order to separate any grain of truth from the broad brush of biased PR production.  The situation at Thacker Pass is no different, it remains a battle of ideas and philosophy.

The April, 2021 article is by Paul Cienfuegos, who bills himself as "CRUS Founding Director"

Toward the end of the article, Cienfuegos poses the question:

"Perhaps Thacker Pass will become the next Standing Rock?"

What do you think are the chances that he hopes that statement becomes a fulfilled prophecy?

Cienfuegos weaves into his narative with a wide brush comments about white privilege, the deeply impoverished native communities,class and race privilege and powerlessness all united as if he were providing blow by blow on the scene reporting of the epic David and Goliath confrontation... now transcended to the high desert prarie of Humboldt County, Nevada.  If this characterization by Cienfuegos isn't outrageous enough then "Lead on, MacDuff":

Cienfuegos goes on to proclaim:  "So basically Lithium Nevada Corp is a Chinese-owned corporation!"

Read the article, if for no other reason than "entertainment".  It does show you the situation at Thacker Pass from someone else's eyes.

The link:  Paul’s Report from Proposed Lithium Mine site at Thacker Pass, Nevada - Community Rights US

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