Message: Environmental Ideologues

rkeeb, thanks for that opinion.  Obviously for myself I am in full support of your arguments, however, just like you I understand that there is plenty of room here for alternative opinion on the subject.  I do believe that the extreme environmentalist, in regard to Thacker Pass, define themselves quite clearly as to their ultimate purpose and that purpose goes way beyond whether or not Nevada Lithium and LAC will be successful in establishing and operating a lithium mine in Humboldt County, Nevada. 

They are opportunists in the real sense and eager to make aliances with any legitimate concerns about possible negative impacts from mining, the lumber industry and modern transportation in all of its ramifications in order to pursue and advance their far more insidious goals and aspirations that would truly revolutionize modern society and reverse thousands of years of human advance into an industrialized society.  Their allies at Thacker Pass may or may not fully appreciate the full agenda of this thinly disguised partner and just how much farther is the extreme proposed by this category of environmental activists.  Thacker Pass isn't the real target here, industrial society is the target... as preposterous as that may sound to the general public.  

Their ultimate goals are only thinly disguised and easily discovered to truly inquiring research and those who still feel, for any reason, that their purpose is not only benign but also beneficial to society in general have not really peeled back all the layers of the onion.  The truth is easily discerned for anyone who takes the time to look for it.  

rkeeb has summed the situation up succinctly and thoroughly in his statement:

"They are ultimately arguing one of two broad themes; either no change happens, or the only acceptable change that should happen is an absolute revolution away from any carbon sourced energy (with everything that that entails, i.e ultimately living in caves)."  

They are attacking not only the future of EVs, but also the past of ICE transportation as well.  That pretty much leaves us with pedal power, shoe leather express and back in the saddle again.  

Thanks, rkeeb, for your perspective.


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