Message: Re: New court docs filed
Jul 17, 2021 07:20PM

Thanks for posting this link, Kate.  The first listed document in that long list of documents in the link you provided, Kate,  is the most recent filing and in that filing the name "Terry Crawforth" is replete with repetitive mention.  His musings are listed in the court document in reference to pronoucements from the "Crawforth Declaration".  The document seems to be centered around Crawforths quotes about mostly the prognostication of doom for the Sage Grouse should the Nevada Lithium Thacker Pass Project become more than just a proposal and result in one cubic yard or more of Sage Grouse environmental haunts in the limited Humboldt County mining area being disturbed by the Defendant in the court filing:  Nevada Lithium Corporation.

So, why is the "Crawforth Declaration" presented by the Plaintiff attorney to the Court as if every word in the "Crawforth Decleration" was on par with the importance of the Ten Commandments written in stone by God to Moses thousands of years ago?

You have to remember who Terry Crawforth is and what position he had in Nevada state government for decades in order to understand why the Plaintiff attorneys would present every utterance of Terry Crawforth as if it were "Holy Writ".

This link, previously posted here on this Hub, gives full cognizance to Mr. Crawforth's notable history in the state of Nevada:

Amid plans to mine lithium in rural Nevada, Indigenous, rural communities at center of the energy transition | Serving Northern Nevada (

I posted previously that Glenn C. Miller would henceforth have a target on his back here in Nevada by the environmental community, at least by the more militant, extreme and litigious faction of that community.  Why the target?  Probably because of statements by Professor Miller such as the following: "... the Thacker Pass lithium mine is the most benign large mine that I have examined in the past 40 years". 

 The Thacker Pass Lithium Mine is Important for Limiting Global Warming | Sierra Nevada Ally

Well, Terry Crawforth is the answer of the militant extreme environmentalists to Professor Miller.  Terry Crawforth also has a respected resume and past history in the state of Nevada and a reputation, as does Professor Miller, that transcends the borders of the state of Nevada.  So we have two respected experts with vastly different opinions for Juge Du to consider in her deliberations, not an exactly unpredicted situation when it comes to litigation.

In this last court filing we get to see glimpses revealing the tenor and specificity of the "Crawforth Declaration" as evidenced in the following exerpts from that document:

"Mr. Crawforth also responds to BLM's statements that the disturbed areas will be restored and possibly reseeded, and its suggestion that because the HPTP activities will occur over a mile from a lek and cover a small total area, their impact to sage-grouse will be minimal.  See BLM at 10.  In truth, sagebrush can not be successfully restored and the activities will "remove sagebrush that cannot be restored in our lifetimes and create a weed vector at each disturbed location."

"The HPTP will remove implacable sagebrush habitat and create weed vectors at a network of sites throughout the area."

"Thus, that only a small total area may be disturbed and that LNC may fill in holes or reseed does not change the liklihood of irreparable harm to Plaintiff's interests in sagebrush and sage-grouse and other wildlife in the Project area."

"Mr. Crawforth qualifies as an expert in wildlife impacts by virtue of his knowlege, skill, training, education, and experience over the course of his 42 years working for NDOW".  ( the Nevada Department of Wildlife ).

At any rate, after a brief scanning of the document Kate referred to in her post it would seem that much of the court presentation of the Plaintiffs will make reference for the validity of their claim to information presented by Terry Crawforth, so for those following this Nevada litigation real life Soap Opera drama in the desert it would behoove them to be familiar with the musings and the reputation of both Terry Crawforth and Professor Glenn C. Miller.... just so you know who the actors are in the melodrama.

Is there any conceivable hope that 29 July will end all the anticipation and present a final solution to untying the Gordian legal knot regarding Thacker Pass?  Not likely.  When does anyone ever see any disagreement involving the U.S. Judicial System become resolved in a timely manner? 

How about:  "Never"! 

This is likely to drag on for at least some time into 2022 and that is probably just being conservative, especially since the decision being announced on 29 July is still early in the game for Thacker Pass.  Whatever the decision on 29 July both sides will return to their respective corners and come out swinging for Round 2. 

Attorneys salivate on any court situation that kicks the can down the road so there will be salivating, regardless of who wins Round One.

That's the way I see it.  Okiedo


Jul 18, 2021 09:19AM

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