Message: Thanks, Cal

Cal sent me an article today that includes some scathing comments about the Center for Biological Diversity. 

So, what is the connection to LAC?

Good question.  If you research who the CBD is in bed with you will discover the likes of DGR, Deep Green Revolution, Will Falk and Max Wilbert.  There is an overlap between these organizations.

So what?

Well, in view of the criticism being levied against the US Forest Service and the past policy of "let it burn" here in the rear view mirror and, concurrently, the front window of such fires as the Dixie Fire, the Caldor Fire and last year's North Complex Fire it is easy to see that the "Blame Game" is going to be headed the way of CBD and other "environmental activist" organizations.

So what?

Well, it is those organizations who are providing the legal beagle power behind the present suits naming LAC as a Defendant in regards to the proposed Thacker Pass.

So what?

The inference is going to be, post Caldor and post Dixie fire activity, on the behavior of the U.S. Forest Service and what it was that influenced the U.S. Forest Service to make such terrible  decisions ..... drum roll..... the environmental activist organizations. BINGO!!

One comment from the article Cal sent me wraps up the package headed towared CBD in a nice package with a ribbon on top:

"The first mistake, he said, was allowing environmental groups, such as the Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club, to stand in the way of fuel reduction techniques such as the “thinning” of forests, which involves logging some trees and removing dead ones to create healthier forests and reduce fire risk."

OK, that is how I see it, but my vision is not always the best.  Read the article that Cal sent me and see for yourself.  After that you might want to go back and do your own research about how the folks out at "Block Thacker Pass" are interconnected with CBD.  I am not referring to the Native Americans in that protest.  I mean all of those with out of state driver's licenses, if they have a car ( infernal combustion engine device ) in the first place.  Look for those who have stated they want to do away with modern industrial society and you will  be on the right track.

Looks like Sierra Club and CBD may be in for a severe loss in the field of public support as the Monday Morning quaterbacking begins in realtionship to the devastating fires in California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.

In the words of that famous LAC supporter, Ricky Ricardo ( Desi Arnaz ):  "You got a lot of 'splainin' to do, CBD.  'Splain it to me, CBD!"

Thanks, Cal. 

Very, very interesting article.  It brings up the possibility that the constraints requested on the mining industry in general, and on LAC in specific, may be seen by the public through a totally different lens in the near future.  The "Good Guys" label of the environmental activists may not be written in indelible ink after all.  Looks like there might be some soot on their cape, tarnish on their image and re-evaluation coming of their "Super Hero" status.

Just sayin'


Don't skip over the part tittled:  SCATHING LETTER !

County Supervisors Blame Bad Policies—Not Climate Change—for California Wildfires (

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