Message: Re: Comparison of Chile and Argentina brine projects

 Wow!  What a great find, rkeeb.  This article states it was produced:This story is contributed by Alex Grant, Principal, Jade Cove Partners, and Kathryn Goodenough, Principal Geologist, British Geological Survey

Kathryn Goodenough is a "Big Deal" in the world of lithium mining and lithium geology.  She is practically an institution.  She was associated, at one time, with a very small Junior Lithium Mining company:  Dajin Resources.  There have been reports, that I have not been able to substantiate, that she no longer has any professional relationship to Dajin Resources.  Regardless of her present status with Dajin, she was definitely a promoter of Dajin in the past and as recently as earlier this year.

Back to the article itself, rkeeb.  This is one of the best and succinct articles I have read about lithium mining in some time.  I loved that comparison chart in the article, it was very informative even though on balance it was more favorable for Atacoma than for Cauchari-Olaroz.  The contrast presented in the chart was brief and to the point and the author went on to the much broader questions of how will lithium extraction technologies of the future balance against the environmental and the financial costs of extracting lithium from sources that are not as optimal as some that have been available in the past? The issue of DLE technology is again revisited in this article and there is little doubt that technological advances in DLE technology will have a greater and greater impact on lithium extraction as time goes on and as the technology matures.  Definitely DLE is something to continue to watch closely for all lithium investors.

I really enjoyed this article and I am going to post it over on the Link Library.  Thanks for your input, again, rkeeb.

I also ran across an article dealing with lithium extraction technology, extraction from lithium clay.  It isn't an article about LAC's proposed acid extraction for Thacker Pass.  It is about American Lithium Corporation's proposed technique, but that isn't to say that this technique might not have future implications for LAC should the technique be refined and significantly improved.  Read the article for yourself and draw your own conclusions. 

I don't doubt that American Lithium is a lot farther away from turning their proposed lithium clay mine in Esmeralda County, Nevada concept into reality than is LAC in regards to the Proposed Thacker Pass lithium mine.  Even so, it is still interesting and informative to see how someone else is approaching lithium extraction from lithium clay.

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