Message: Re: BLM is fining Max Wilbert and Will Falk $50K

 The snippet, quoted below, from that posted article from Jeniffer Solis in Nevada Current yesterday, 16 September 2021, is a clear signal that "environmental activists" and that portion of Native Americans being led along the same path as the "Deep Green Resistance" have clearly not abandoned any and all techniques at continuing their determined fight against the establishment of  Lithium Nevada/LAC's Thacker Pass lithium clay mine as a producing entity.

It ain't over till the Fat Lady sings.  Thacker Pass, unfortunately, has the potential to be a beacon nationally for every "environmental activist" hiding behind every tree and bush in California, Washington and Oregon not recently consumed in the forest conflagrations or in any State within spitting distance of a Spotted Owl along with that limited, but vocal and dedicated, portion of the Native American community opposed to Thacker Pass development for lithium mining.  Certainly, when it comes to the entire native American community there is not a single unified voice in that community speaking against Thacker Pass mining, at least not at this time. 

However, with the help of a few dozen Hollywood Riff Raff "elites" girding up for battle after a brief ride in their private "carbon neutral" jets to the Reno Tahoe Regional Airport then on by stretch limo to Thacker Pass for a quick photo op there could, at least, be a semblance of Native American unity on the issue as reported on by an eager and sympathetic "Press" to the American nation.  The then current news cycle would be carefully and craftily designed to document "unity" among indigenous people in regards to their opposition to the Thacker Pass lithium mine. 

Such "documentation" would be unrelated to any underlying truth since truth is not a necessary requirement for the "Press".

Statements such as those quoted below from Solis's article are a true indication that things at Thacker Pass may significantly heat up, despite the coming cold weather and, especially, despite any Federal Court ruling that might shift the legal scales in favor of LAC and Lithium Nevada. 

Just sayin'.  LAC needs to prepare for extra-legal manifestations of the Falk/Wilbert/DGR commitment to obfuscate and obstruct Thacker Pass construction and achieving operational mining milestones at Thacker Pass.  We are in for a continuing battle, not just in my opinion, but in fact.

From the article:


"Jovan Jackson, a mental health advocate, said there is common ground among Native and Black communities that can lead to a larger movement against the mine.

“I know taking your land is your freedom. When someone takes your freedom, that is the biggest injustice. In the Black community we see that with the jails. Us being in jail takes away our freedom and it is traumatizing,” said Jackson, who was formerly incarcerated.

Without the support of Nevada elected officials, Hinkey said they will need more support from the public to gain “national and global political attention,” like the resistance to the Keystone Pipeline or more recently Line 3,  an oil pipeline expansion that would run through tribal lands in Minnesota.

Opponents of the mine plan to adopt some of the tactics used to protest the Keystone Pipeline including occupying the mining site, and have already set up a campsite near the planned mine.  Hinkey and other tribal members are currently preparing the campsite for the winter.

“If the mining companies got off easily they would use this as an example and do it everywhere else,” Hadder said.

“We think we have a good case,” he added.


Bold type and italics in the above snippet were added by me and not part of the original article


Maintaining a "Good Neighbor" policy toward the ranchers/ farmers and Native Americans who are truly adjacent to the proposed mine site and who truly have a dog in the fight has its own difficulties in the best of political and social environments, but when those elements are also being propagandized and manipulated by the anti-industrial and anti-capitalist idealogues Wilbert/Falk and the DGR then the struggle to stay focused onto the well intentioned goal of truly being a "Good Neighbor" becomes an order of magnitude more difficult for Lithium Nevada and LAC.

Becoming the power and money hungry industrial and non-feeling, non-caring mining Behemoth that Wilbert and Falk use their propaganda to paint Lithium Nevada and LAC as being to their supporters can actually be tempting under the pressure of that circumstance.  It is a temptation that LAC and Lithium Nevada must resist and the more cachophony and obstruction that Wilbert/Falk and the DGR generate, the more difficult it will be for LAC and Lithium Nevada to resist becoming the very embodiment of the foreboding picture that Wilbert/Falk and DGR are painting to their supporters. 

In fairness to Jeniffer Solis, the author of the article in Nevada Current, she did reserve a couple of small paragraphs in her extended piece for a sort of rebuttal and counter view from Lithium Nevada:


"“Lithium Nevada is working hard to ensure impacts to historic artifacts are mitigated,” said Tim Crowley, vice president of government affairs and community relations for Lithium Nevada in June.

“The project will also benefit the U.S. and broader global economies by contributing to renewable energy development and carbon reduction through our planned production of high-purity lithium chemicals,” Crowley added.


Thanks, Jeniffer, for that "balanced" (?) approach to "journalism".  Thanks for squeezing in a small token of a different viewpoint.  You must have been an A+ student in "J" School!!  Your professors would be so very proud.

We are truly in for a battle.  

Wait for it... you absolutely knew I was leading up to another one of those overused and over quoted Sun Tzu quotes that seem to come out from every Business Administration Masters graduate and pseudoliterate High School drop out whenever anyone is talking about a "battle". 

Well, so as not to disappoint:

  • “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

No matter whether it is Sun Tzu or Sleezy Joe at the barber shop who opines it, the truth is:  Never underestimate the strength of your enemy... and Wilbert/Falks and DGR are truly the "enemy" when it comes to the future of the proposed Thacker Pass lithium clay mine. 

 JMO, maybe... let's see what happens in the next 6 months or so.


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