Message: Good News-Bad News viewpoints on Lithium Americas


I am a LAC fan with significant positions. So please don't take this wrong.

LAC is not making money. They have a long road ahead of them and quite a bit has to come together before they hit their stride. Getting to full or near full production of their current assets will take 5+ years.

2022 broader market has head winds with Feds raising rates, Feds not pumping as much money into the market, US markets never had this long of a run (I did not research this but believe it's true). Most fund managers are and have been increasing their cash positions which mean they are selling stock, mostly growth stocks. They are moving money out of growth stock and into more traditional companies that are likely to lose less money in a down turn. If they do maintain some growth stocks they want a 50% YoY GR. This could be LAC soon.

When you say it's oversold I have a strong reaction in my gut that says otherwise. 

There are nearly always unforeseen delays when dealing with permitting, construction and especially the courts. The timing of Du’s outcome is pinnacle. Let’s hope for something positive in Q2/Q3 that allows LAC to move forward with partner and construction.

Okiedo - I was in the middle of writing this when you sent this article. I think this is spot on for many investors. This should illustrate the potential interest as they ramp up production in CO and clear out the risk of the court’s decision, then partner, then construction. I always find it amazing how many analysts from so many walks only look as deep as this guy has. He knows very little detail as we do here. As retail investors and more so with the folks here do a lot of research almost to nausea, myself included although I don’t share much. So yes Cal we look for multiples where larger institutional types look for safe gains as to not lose their clients. I always find myself saying this. The professional manager’s main strategy is to increase and maintain client base, get a safe return.

I don’t see anything affecting LAC SP more so than the broader market until something significantly changes such as a decision, announcement of a partner or say production. I think Retail investors are already in and professional managed are waiting for further de-risking.

Retail investors as a whole are waking up to reality. You could pick just about any stock and make money the last 3 years. We are super stars! Now we are being kicked around by big money where many retail investors like us will see significant losses and many will get out with what they have left.  

Someone prior asked about construction season in the Reno area. I get asked this all the time. I'm a GC and recently retired at 50 years old - 54 now. We can start a project any time of the year. We can't pour concrete on frozen ground but can blanket ground prior to pouring and over poured concrete. But if you look at the greater Reno area you will see all kinds of construction at various stages. 

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