Message: Same song, second verse: "Navigating mining challenges on the road to America’s EV future"

Navigating mining challenges on the road to America’s EV future - MINING.COM

"Navigating mining challenges" is just double talk for mining companies in the U.S. running the gauntlet of Native American opposition to mining of anything in the U.S. 

Thacker Pass is only one example of this fight for developing natural resources by mining companies in the U.S.

ESG is the current buzzword for "socially responsible mining" and all of the companies in the U.S. have learned how to sing that song, none more adapt at the a cappella delivery of that tune  than LAC and Jon Evans.

Although the article from, linked above, deals with the trials and tribulations of a nickel mining company in the U.S. the story is a familiar one to anyone who has followed the soap opera drama of LAC meets People of Red Mountain and RSIC at Thacker Pass.  Cue the melodramatic music and dim the lights because this show is still far from "over".

So which way will the Du drop and what will be the wind that fills the sail of the Biden administration to chart its course on domestic mining vs environmental and Native American organized resistance to the development of domestic mining?  The administration gives lip service to how important it is to develop a supply chain for minerals here in the U.S. that are required for electric vehicles, but is that lip service smoke or mirrors?  Truth or dare?  Real or hogwash?

In the most extreme position of some of the opposition to mining their view of a progressive future in the U.S. champions elimination of fossil fuels and a return to the shoe leather express.  Fifty years ago that position would have evoked an analysis that the author of such bable was either daft or engaging in extreme sarcasm.  On the other hand, in today's world the extreme becomes the mean in mining and in many other areas of life here in the gold fish bowl.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch in China they continue to forge ahead in the goal of securing their preeminence as the world's number one force in both mining of minerals essential for EVs and for lithium batteries in addition to maintaining their number one position in building EVs and lithium batteries.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned.  So, we have a precedent for wearing blinders in the face of a situational emergency that should otherwise lead to a course of resolution, but because of failure to apply due focus and effort will likely lead to an untoward future.  We have become so very proficient at shooting ourselves in the foot.  Bulls eye!



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