Message: Drying paint.


“…Meanwhile I tool around in my Tesla Y listening to the Beatles knowing that if everyone had the chance to drive one they'd buy one in a second…”

I tent to disagree. IMHO, practically every car you would buy should be better than the previous one (hence you would love it). Well, not really better, just look fresh, has some “cool” features, big screen… I don’t drive EV, but my hobby is to inspect every Tesla I meet for body flaws. And I am shocked, that people are willing to pay so much money for such poor quality, especially Model S is made quite terribly. The space around lights, doors fitting, alignment of the front hood are quite impressively bad, leaving completely aside the repair/service. I very much doubt that someone, who is not a blind follower of the “St. Felon Church” would want to have it. I also very much doubt, there is a 2nd hand market for EVs and if so, the “battery risk” must be quite significant.

“…no worries about overheating…”
You must be joking. Are you suggesting, it is not possible to overheat Tesla? Just try “in the middle of the summer” drive bit aggressively. You will run out of the battery and you may boil the cells in the cooling liquid.  Also, how many new cars have a problem with the water pump? That isn’t issue even with my 10 years old Espace. OK, I need to change the oil once a year, but since I have to change tires twice a year anyway, what is the problem to combine those 2 activities together. 

At the end of the day, it is about the fact, that in a lifespan of let say 16 years (an average age of a car in the US), your car will face at least one battery change a will at least twice change the engine. Which makes the car impossible to sell on the second-hand market. I understand, it is not your problem, because you will get rid of the car after maybe 3 years, but it just make all those economical/ecological calculations of EVs an utterly BS. No matter how Musk paint it, all the “environmental savings” go away if you have to build new car every 8 years.

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