Message: Re: Back at ya….

Jul 14, 2023 11:58AM

Okiedo, 10 Sept. 2023: These groups are seasoned verterans of what they perceive is a war against the establishment and they view themselves as holy warriors taking up the fight that less steadfast and less committed "environmental activists" are either too lazy or too luke warm to do.  All of the other less committed groups are the "Sunshine Patriots" so to speak in their life long crusade.

This stuff doesn't end if/when Judge Du gives the go ahead for LAC to start construction.  In their view the present situation regarding Thacker Pass is nowhere near the "bitter end".

Spend a few minutes researching the past history of the Western Watersheds Project for a starter, but don't stop until you have also looked at past actions by Earth First! and the EFL




Re: Getting to the bottom of Lithium America's share             count and % ownership by Ganfeng

posted on Oct 02, 2022 12:36PM

posted on Oct 02, 2022 12:36PM 

Will Falk cries:  "Dirty Trick"!!!

And the Beat goes on and on and on, ad infinitum.  Falk and company are now "Victims".  What a surprise..... NOT!!!



e: Getting to the bottom of Lithium America's share count and % ownership by Ganfeng

posted on Oct 02, 2022 12:19PM

According to Max Wilbert, Ganfeng is not above fabricating a supposed positive support for the Thacker Pass Project among the Native American community affected by that project.  

Politics as usual?  Max cries "Foul". 

Somehow, I find myself unsympathetic....

However, should Max's charge of nefarious activity at propaganda efforts by Ganfeng in regard to the Thacker Pass Project actually hold water then that would just be another reason for LAC to cut the umbilical cord and create a North American and separate South American entity with as little as possible Chinese involvment in the Noorth American branch.

Max's maxium:  "Our conclusion is that these comments represent a crude attempt to influence public opinion with lies, deception, and technological tricks. We don’t know who was behind this. Perhaps Ganfeng, the giant Chinese lithium corporation which is the largest shareholder of Lithium Americas? Perhaps another investor?

Whoever is behind this, their attempts have backfired. Now that we and all of our supporters are aware that this technique is being used, we will be even more suspicious than before of corruption, bribery, lies, and violence that are typical strategies for the mining industry and other extractive industries globally. Keep your eyes on the prize."


Strange words from the same guy, the "Eco Warrior" who was quoted as saying:   “I am part of a revolutionary movement rooted in ecology, anti-racism, feminism and human and nonhuman rights that aims to dismantle the global culture of empire — read industrial civilization — by any means necessary.

Even more revealing about the "Eco Warrior" who cries "Foul" about supposed attempts by Ganfeng Lithium to manipulate public opinion would be the following quote from Mr. "Eco Warrior", Max Wilbert:

“We need to build legitimate movements to dismantle global capitalism. All work is useful towards this end. However, I see no way this goal will be achieved without force. The best methods I have come across for achieving this rely on a dedicated cadre forming small, highly mobile and trained strike forces. These forces should target key nodes of global industrial infrastructure, such as shipping, communication, finance, energy, etc. and destroy them with the goal of inciting cascading systems failure. The interconnected global economy is vulnerable to this type of attack because of how interdependent it is. If the right targets are chosen and effectively attacked, the entire thing could come crashing down.”


Peeling back the onion layers of what is this thing called "Max Wilbert, Eco Warrior" a little farther we see this revealing quote from our Eco Warror:

"Sometimes the movements have to be forceful, sometimes they have to use violence, or what people would term as violence. I don’t consider economic sabotage to necessarily be violence"


Once again, I would remind LAC investors that at least part of the Thacker Pass Project opposition does not consider that the possible LAC favorable decision by Judge Miranda Du, should it materialize, is the end of their activities, legal or extralegal.  Only LAC investors seem to think that the battle will be totally won should Judge Du smile on LAC. 

Radical environmentalism doesn not hold to that Polly Anna version of future events.

Onward through the FOG and through the environmental activists who insist that "Sometimes the movements have to be forceful"


Jul 16, 2023 01:39AM
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