Message: Re: Max Wilbert: "Eco Warrior"

Jul 16, 2023 01:44AM

Jul 17, 2023 12:53PM

Cal, in the legal arena I believe it is quite fortunate that LAC has Laura "machine gun' Granier leading the charge against what that portion of Native Americans are describing as "freedom of speech".  I will yield to anyone with legal training, but my present concept of "freedom of speech" is that there are limitations on that freedom, such as the classic freedom of action stops where my nose begins.  Destruction of property is not a legitimate extension of "freedom of speech", nor is the obstuction of public roadways.  On the other hand, peaceful protests are not limited just because they might be annoying to those who are being protested.  I would suspect that peaceful protests against Thacker Pass may very well contine for years, but in the event those "peaceful protests" cross the line and become attacks against personnel or property of LAC then, again, LAC has "Machine Gun Granier" to handle the legal aspects in defense of LAC and Thacker Pass to include, as already evidenced, filing suit against those who have transgressed the legal boundry of "freedom of speech".

I personally do not anticipate that there will be significant numbers of incidents involving the Native American community involving such a transgression.  That is not a traditional way for protest involving, for the most part, a very patriotic and law abiding community.  I am much more concerned about those non-Native Americans as to the extent that they have already publicly committed themselves to breaching the boundries of legality in very destructive and illegal ways in the name of "Environmental Terrorism".  In the matter of LAC interacting with that portion of the Native American community that is opposed, for whatever reasons, to the development of Thacker Pass there exists different ways to successfully ameliorate the conflicting views.  LAC has already gone to great lenghts to explore ways of amelioration and, judging by the past behavior of LAC, LAC will continue to explore even newer ways to build future bridges where they do not currently exist through community outreach efforts, employment opportunities, etc.  The Native American community has a profound history of patriotism and the rest of the country should never forget the debt we owe to members of that community who have proudly served in all the branches of the U.S. military during World War I, World War II, the Korean "Police Action", the Viet Nam War and every military conflict since then where U.S. military has served.

Amelioration is not a possible outcome, however, when deling with the ultra radical "Environmental Activist".  They consider themselves to be on a Holy Mission and that they are the only ones fully cognizant of the correct way to proceed in their battle with not just mining companies, but with industrial civilization in general.  In fact, a little research by reading their own published remarks clearly indicates that these "Environmental Warriors" disdain other Environmentalists who are unwilling to transcend the borders of legality and to operate in a no limits, "Damn the Torpedoes", we will use all legal and illegal means necessary methodology and let the chips fall where they may.  Those are the scary ones and they will use other, peaceful and law abiding individuals, as their pawns as long as those individuals can tolerate the directions of the Environmental Activists.  

OK, I know my perception of this danger is not shared by most of the members of this forum.  My hope is that my own perception of possible "Coming Events" by the Environmental Wackos is a false perception and that it will never materialize.  That would be an outcome equally valued by me and by those who don't perceive it as a real danger.  In the meantime, I would hope that LAC administration makes contingency plans for such possibilities as sabotage of equipment and supply avenues to the job site and even to the possibility of injury to LAC employees.  As terrible as that sounds, it is all in the playbook of the "Environmental Warrior" and many of his companions.  Just because not all of them ascribe to the extralegal plans of such persons as Max Wilbert it certainly would be folly to exclude from concern his ideas of "freedom of speech" and "Environmental Activism" when considering the full Gestalt of security measures necessary for LAC to put into action at Thacker Pass.

Even Environmental Wackos can sometimes act on their insanity, regardless of the consequences to themselves or to others.  It would be an even greater tragedy if they should focus their activities on Thacker Pass and LAC found itself lacking in the proper consideration of contingency security planning.

Just sayin'


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